
When you arrive for your appointment, we’ll have a conversation regarding your health situation and reasons for coming. Then, I’ll carry out an assessment for due diligence. Time well spent to ensure you receive the right treatment every time.


Counselling and Hypnotherapy

Counselling: Offering guidance to difficult personal or psychological problems. Assisting each individual or group to reach a better place in their lives.

Hypnotherapy: A complementary therapy that uses hypnosis to induce a very calm state in an individual. This leads to focused attention and increased suggestibility whereby new behaviours can be taught or old unwanted behaviours changed.

Massage: An age-old therapy to help body and mind. Whether it be for relaxation, an injury, body maintenance or self-improvement let us provide you with the right care and treatment where you matter most.

I specialise in helping clients:

  1. Quit cigarettes very quickly using the programme: “Quit cigarettes in 60 minutes”.
  2. Deal with problems associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
    It’s a severe mental condition resulting from experiencing a one or more traumatic events – death, childhood abuse, severe relationship breakups, domestic violence, sexual violence etc
  3. Overcome Phobias.
    It’s an irrational and intense fear of something or situation and different from a normal fear where it can totally disrupt your life whether it be at home, work, a particular social setting or situation. There are very many phobias of which some are: Fear of:
      - Spiders, being alone, blood, snakes, rubber toys, heights, flying, driving, being touched, failure, needles, dogs, childbirth, bacteria, the dark, enclosed spaces etc.

Note: PTSD and Phobias

Trauma and phobias become established in the brain. Often, many turn to CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to treat the trauma. Here they are taught and encouraged to think differently or to become aware of the thoughts which might trigger a flashback. The assumption with that approach is that thoughts come first, before feelings. However, trauma doesn’t work like that in real life.

Traumatic responses actually happen faster than cognition, quicker than the speed of thought. So, that being the case, then the “fight or flight” response needs to be quicker than the speed of thought! If you’re on a train and a very loud explosion suddenly occurs would you:
  1. Think about the possible causes, before deciding it’s a bomb and then reacting in fear or would you;
  2. Have a burst of adrenaline and feel fearful a fraction before thinking anything at all.
So, the fear response has to be fast tracked and not wait for thoughts, because fear is our instantaneous survival mechanism.

Hypnotherapy almost totally eliminates revisiting the trauma, limiting adverse reactions. By getting the clients in a calm state and working with the subconscious mind a better result is very often reached. Great results are possible in a few sessions of Hypnotherapy.

The physical therapies

Remedial Massage: A system of manipulation of the soft tissues of the body to heal injuries and headaches and relieve pain.

Deep Tissue Massage: A technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscles to relax, soothe and improve movement.

Swedish Massage: A relaxing system of treatment using oil to relax the body. It involves the use of kneading, stroking, friction, tapping, and vibration and may provide relief from stiffness, numbness, pain, constipation, and other health problems. Many other possible benefits include stimulation of circulation and increase in muscle tone.

Myofascial Release: A safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.

Acupressure: Is a traditional treatment from China using trigger point therapy to work on the body’s meridians to recharge energy levels and release tension.

Sports Massage: Is a specific technique to prevent injuries and assist performance for people involved in sports.

PNF Work: While it is true that PNF focuses on stretching and functional movement, it is also much more. PNF techniques help develop muscular strength and endurance, joint stability, mobility, neuromuscular control and coordination–all of which are aimed at improving the overall functional ability of patients.

Nerve Mobilization: It’s a way of thinking about the body that uses the nervous system as a frame of reference. This is often helpful whenever one is experiencing tingling, numbness and other “nervey” sensations. The length, elasticity and irritability of the nerves and spinal cord are used to guide treatment. Neural tension tests are used to physically assess nerves. Conventional tests like the straight leg raise are also often used to identify when a nerve is irritated.

Couples Massage: It’s a special way to reconnect, relax, revive and learn massage with someone you care for. It’s a perfect way to also practise and enjoy the gift of massage from a qualified therapist who can answer any questions you have. What’s safe and what’s not. What’s too much and what’s just right. Yes, you’ll learn some theory but the main focus is working on each other with guidance from an experienced therapist. It’s an shared experience for husband & wife, between life partners, mother & daughter, and boyfriend & girlfriend. It may be daunting at first but the occasion will only draw you closer together.


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